Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Week 2: Definitions

This week, we will go over a few Ultimate-specific terms that may not be familiar to newer players.

Section II of the rulebook goes over many technical definitions, I have chosen a few to put here word for word. If you have not looked at the full list of definitions in the rulebook, I suggest you do.

Foul: Non-Incidental contact: contact between opposing players. In general, the player initiating the contact has committed the foul.
Line: A boundary defining the playing areas. On an unlined field, the boundary is an imaginary line segment between two field markers with the thickness of said markers. Line segments are not extrapolated beyond the defining markers.
Marker: The defensive player within three meters of the thrower's pivot or of the thrower if no pivot has been established. If the disc is not in play, a defensive player within three meters of a spot on the field where the disc is to be put into play is considered the marker.
Pivot: The particular part of the body in continuous contact with a single spot on the field during a thrower's possession once the thrower has come to a stop or has attempted a throw or fake. When there is a definitive spot for putting the disc into play, the part of the body in contact with that spot is the pivot.
Stoppage of play: Any halting of play due to a call, discussion, or time-out that requires a check or self-check to restart play. The term play stops means a stoppage of play occurs.
Violation: Any infraction of the rules other than a foul


On to some general terms that you will probably hear yelled on the field or in normal, Ultimate conversation. For new WUWUs, there may be some things that you have not quite been exposed to yet, so do not worry, you will learn everything in due time!

Air bounce - A type of throw that looks like it will hit the ground but 'bounces' back up mid-flight.
Around - The around break throw. So if the force is flick, a backhand would be a around break (unless the person is a lefty, of course).
Bid - an (usually unsuccessful) attempt to catch or block the disc, usually when the person hits the ground. ("Nice bid.")
Bookends - When a player gets a D then scores
Blade - A very angled, fast, hard to catch throw.
Callahan -  The defense intercepts an offensive throw and catches the disc in the end zone (the defense is trying to score in).
Chilly - A call to the thrower to stay calm and make good decisions.
Deep - An out-cut, away from the thrower. A 'deep' cut or 'away' cut. 
Disc in - Yelled by the thrower or their mark to signal the disc is live
Foot Block - Exciting play by the mark when they block the throw with their foot.
Greatest -  When an offensive player jumps from in-bounds to out of bounds, throws the disc going out of bounds back in-bounds without touching the ground first. Very difficult play to make, which is why it is called the "greatest"
Hammer - Over the head, inverted throw with a funny path.
Hand Block - When the mark blocks the throw with their hand/arm.
Hospital Throw - Floaty throw, allows multiple players to go up for the disc. Often results in injury for those involved.
Huck - A long throw
Layout - A diving catch or block.
Man defense - Defensive strategy where each defender picks one offender and typically sticks with them throughout the possession/point. 
Monster - What WUWU calls the 'deep-deep' in a zone.
Outside-in (OI)/Inside-out (IO) - two different types of flight paths for backhand or forehand throws. These will be demonstrated in practice sometime.
Poach -  In man defense, when the defender is not actively guarding their person, but rather an area on the field
Pick -See Week 1, Part 2: Pick Review
Push pass - Another type of throw, typically with little spin and very floaty.
Savage -  Playing a game with only 7 healthy, playing people total.
Scoober - Inverted throw.
Skinny - inside out break throw. Also called the "inside" break.
Sky - When a player jumps over another to grab the disc
Strike - Any cut going to the open side. More specifically, a handler cut up-field, typically up-the-line.
Swing - Usually a handler throw, used to get the disc across the field laterally as opposed to moving the disc up-field.
Switch - During man defense, when a defender wants to switch who they are defending with a teammate.
Taco - A disc that has been bent, like a taco-shape
Turn - Turnover, possession change.
Under - An in-cut, towards the disc. ("under cut" "make an under cut")
Up - Something people yell when the disc is thrown. The disc is 'up'
Zone - A defensive strategy where people guard areas rather than specific people. There are several types of zones. This will be introduced to NUWUs at a later practice.

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