Monday, October 21, 2013

Week 5: Violations and Fouls, Part I

This will be a multi-part post because violations and fouls can get complicated. I will try to get through everything before Glory Days. Violations and Fouls is Section XVI.

Calling and Contesting Fouls: 
An infraction may only be called by a player on the infracted team who recognizes that it has occurred. A player may contest these calls if that player believes the infraction did not occur (ex: 'I hit your hand, but it was on your follow-through and not during your throw'). 

Continuation Rule:  
For all violations and fouls discussed in this section, the continuation rule applies: 

Play stops when the thrower in possession acknowledges that an infraction has been called. If a call is made when the disc is in the air or the thrower is in the act of throwing, or if the thrower fails to acknowledge the call and subsequently attempts a pass, play continues until the outcome of that pass is determined. 

So when does play stop or continue based on the continuation rule? 
Calls made by the THROWER--
If the call was made by the thrower before the disc was thrown:

-if the pass was complete, play stops and the disc reverts back to the thrower
-if the pass was incomplete, it is a turnover and play does not stop ('play on'). 

If the call was made by the thrower while in the act of throwing:
-if the pass was complete, the play stands and play does not stop ('play on'). 
-if the pass was incomplete, play stops and the disc reverts back to the thrower

**notice that the outcomes SWITCH depending on when the call was made, before or during the throw!! 

Calls made by NON-THROWERS--- 
Offense made the call:  
-if the call was made before the thrower was in the act of throwing, play stops and the disc reverts back to the thrower
-if the call was made after the thrower began the act of throwing, then play does not stop and the play stands

Defense made the call (same as if offense committed the infraction):
Play stops either way!
-if the infraction affects play, play stops and the disc reverts back to the thrower
-if the infraction did not affect play, play stops and the play stands.  

How do you know if something affected play? 
Directly from the rulebook: 
"An infraction affected the play if an infracted player determines that the outcome of the specific play (from the time of the infraction until play stops) may have been meaningfully different absent the infraction." 

So where do I go after an infraction call?
 Also directly from the rulebook:
  1. If no pass is thrown or attempted before the thrower stops play by acknowledging the call, all players return to the locations they occupied when the call was made.
  2. If a pass is thrown or attempted before the thrower acknowledges the call or the call is made after the throwing attempt, and
    1. if possession reverts to the thrower, all players return to the locations they occupied at the earlier of :
      1. the time of the throw,
      2. the time of the call.
    2. if the result of a play stands, players return to the locations they occupied when play stopped.
  3. After a travel call, the thrower must return to the location occupied at the time of the infraction.

Part II will cover fouls and misc in this section.
Picks and Travels have already been covered in previous blog posts.

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